Ask Doctor Loree

Do you have a burning question about Pilates? Here's a chance to get an answer from Equilibrio Pilates' Dr. Loree Pinnavaia. If you're concerned about your exercise or an injury, we will help you get the most out of your workout. If you simply have a general question, we will try and answer it. Ask away!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Pilates Effect on a Degenerating Spine

Degenerative disc disease, or osteoarthritis of the spine, is accelerated thinning and drying up of the intervertebral discs of the spine. This can cause bone spurring, loss of range of motion, and significant tightness of the musculature and strain on the ligaments surrounding those joints.

The increase in wear and tear is caused by years of micro traumas, poor posture, accidents, poor nutrition, emotional stress and poor conditioning. The result is postural deviations and micro inflammation of the joints of the spine and pelvis.

There are numerous therapies available to help people get out of their acute phase of pain. A western approach is to treat with anti inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxers and possibly (with luck) prescribe a good physical therapy program. A chiropractor, like myself, will use manipulative therapy and modalities of physical therapy to quickly allow a person to resume normal activities. With the body's innate ability to heal and these treatments, a person usually returns to a non-acute phase, but the source of the problem is not corrected and the pain will likely recur.

The only therapies which offer long standing results are the ones which involve active participation of the patient in his or her own care. At Equilibrio Pilates we give clients a connection to their core.

There is a long-term correction for weaknesses and imbalances!

Pilates is a brilliantly simple approach to correct the effects of micro trauma, years of misuse and inefficient body mechanics. Pilates teaches a progression of movements which stabilize the spine and pelvis in an integrative approach which strengthens, stretches and corrects imbalances.

Pilates opens up the intervertebral spaces in the spine providing nourishment to the disc which it needs since it does not get it's own blood supply. It gets nourishment through movement, rotation, etc. It is important for your practitioner to understand your condition in order to give you the right movements at the appropriate stage. At Equilibrio Pilates we take it one step further, getting you in upright, functional movements that mimic life and sports.

I have seen patients and clients at Equilibrio restore vitality and get their lives back. Get off the merry-go-round of chronic pain and start healing. Equilibrio Pilates offers this!

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